Small Groups

  Small Group Ministry

The Bible makes it clear that following Christ was never meant to be done in isolation, but instead within community. We believe people grow best, develop as leaders, and experience authentic community in a group setting of like-minded friends. For that reason, groups are at the heart of Holly Springs Methodist Church. 

We encourage you to get connected with other Christ-followers, and investigate being a part of group. You just might find out what many others have discovere: a band of brothers and sisters who'll stand by you, defend you, love you, pray for you, encourage you, fight for you, and support you during the highs and lows of life. Now that's biblical community! Interested?

Contact Ray Gibbs -

Available Groups

Winter Bible Study

Sunday School

Questions and Answers

Enjoy Coffee, Donuts, and Pastries beginning at 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.